Here are what I think are some of my best photographs I have taken in the last couple of years!
I started out with photography with a Nikon D90, a very old and clunky DSLR, which did take great photo's however was heavy and didn't have any modern features.
I then upgraded to a Sony a6300, which I have absolutely adored so far! I am currently using a lens adapter from Nikon to Sony, as I have not yet bought my own Sony lens. Because of this I have been using manual focus for pretty much every single one of these photographs, as the Nikons auto focus, was no where near reactive enough for what I was doing!
*ALL of these photos have been edited in Adobe Lightroom!*
^ These photos above are my personal favourite, whether it is because they capture the emotion between machine and man, or whether they just look darn good! 
Gear - Sony a6300 | Nikon 70-300mm.
Settings - 1/400-1/125 | F.5.6-11 | ISO 100-2000.
^ Car photography really stuck out to me as a photographer, as it is the perfect balance between challenging, and creative. Capturing the perfect shot lights a fire within anyone to keep striving 
(Its not easy to get the "perfect shot" with manual focus, trust me... ;)"
Nature | Wildlife
Wildlife photography I THOUGHT, was going to be like car photography, because well, I'm still taking photos of unpredictable fast moving things right?
WRONG - I realised quite quickly they are A LOT smaller (Duh!) which means the speed that they move at through the lens is incomprehensible.

SS: 1/500 - 1/4000

F: 5.6

ISO: 100 - 4000
Street photography was something new that I wanted to try and experiment with. It was a nice contrast to fast moving things, as people on the street are usually a lot more calm...
What I really wanted to try and capture was the everyday emotions our streets, such as the happy guy with a pillow under his arm! Learning all the little stories of everyday people is very valuable to everyone!
Surreal | Abstract
Surrealism was the theme that I focused on in my A-level coursework for photography. There was something about the confusing aspect of it all which made it oddly appealing
Surrealism is very difficult to create, but empty, pastel landscapes seemed to be one of my recipes for success.
Here is my mock final piece that I constructed within my course:

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